Cecilia Villacorta-Rath

Thesis title: Population connectivity of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, in Australia

Supervisors: Bridget Green, Jan Strugnell, Karen Miller

My PhD aims to investigate population structure and connectivity of southern rock lobster (SRL), Jasus edwardsii, in Southeastern Australia. The southern rock lobster is a species of economic importance in Australia and New Zealand. Below-average levels of recruitment have been observed during the past 10 years, which may be responsible for recent declines in biomass and fishery catch rates. Due to the extended pelagic larval stage of J. edwardsii, there are predictions of extensive gene flow between sub-populations throughout its geographical distribution. Understanding the degree of gene flow is essential in determining population boundaries, as well as sources and sink of larvae. Two main questions have been identified and will provide a baseline for my thesis: (1) does J. edwardsii comprise a single panmictic population around Southeastern Australia?; (2) are there source and sink regions of J. edwardsii larvae around Southeastern Australia? To answer these questions I will calculate the level of heterozygosity in the population through ddRAD sequencing, which will allow identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The findings of this project will provide biological support for a sustainable management of the SRL fishery in Australia.


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